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Is UX a part of your product strategy?

Chess by Alessandro Suraci from The Noun ProjectJeff Gothelf, the author of Lean UX, Applying Lean Principles to Improve User Experience claims “There is no such thing as UX strategy.”

We’ve taken Jeff’s questions that get you to think about your holistic product strategy and presented them here as a form. Please send us your answers and in the last question add your comments as to how you think LoudFeed or anyone else might help you with achieving your goals.

We would especially like staff from our clients to answer these individually. We’re very interested in hearing varying perspectives and the first thing that comes to your mind, versus the results of a committee meeting. We’ll keep your identity anonymous in aggregate reporting of your group’s answers.

What is your Product (Service) Strategy?

You can and need to have a strategy around your goals as an organization and your products or services.

  • Your organization's site or the product/ service site.
  • i.e. how will you expand beyond your current users?
  • For non-profits: how will this enable sustainable funding?
  • Even non-profits compete for funding.
  • Anthropomorphize here: If your product was a person how would you describe him/ her?
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

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